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Apr 06 2022

Pulling the MDS nurse to the Floor

Pulling the MDS nurse Onto the Floor: Minimum Nursing Staffing Levels CMS is now showing consumers staff turnover and weekend staffing levels on Nursing Home Care Compare. These added metrics show families the history of staffing levels and staff retention for every nursing home facility and are key factors in assessing quality of care. The President's recent calling on nursing homes to improve their care outcomes has been in the news recently. The fact sheet from his February briefing stated...
Oct 07 2019

Staffing in the World of PDPM

By Joanne Kaldy | Oct 6, 2019 | Excerpted from: Infront Workforce Some additional thoughts from Gloria Brent in this issue: The Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) is here, and even well-prepared organizations are uncertain about precisely what the future will hold for this new system of reimbursement for nursing home care. To gain some insights on staffing in the world of PDPM, InFront talked to Melanie Tribe-Scott and Gloria Brent from MDS Consultants during last week’s 2019 LTC Summit in...
Jan 05 2017

How Much Staff Do I Need for MDS?

We all know that a lot of time, energy and effort go into completing an MDS.  But how many hours should you really be spending? Factors to Consider in Calculating MDS Staffing Time What is your average LTC census per year? What is your average Rehab Census per year? What is your average LOS for Rehab residents? Current Benchmarks for MDS Nursing Hours per Resident These are some general benchmarks for the average number of MDS Nursing hours spent per resident on MDS Completions: Each LTC...
Nov 01 2016

Determining Nurse Aide Staffing Requirements

John F. Schnelle et. al. | Nov 1, 2016 | Excerpted from: JAMDA CONCLUSIONS: The average nurse aide staffing levels reported by NHs falls below the level of staffing predicted as necessary to provide consistent ADL care to all residents in need. DES methodology can be used to determine nurse aide staffing requirements to provide ADL care and simulate management interventions to improve care efficiency and quality. ABSTRACT: Nursing aides provide most of the labor-intensive activities of daily...

Recent Blogs in All Topics

RAI and MDS Compliance: The Importance of the Administrator in the Lineup

With the Minimum Data Set (MDS), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) created a standardized, reliable, reproducible framework for assessing long term care resident status. As a result, MDS data plays a significant role in myriad areas of...

Laying the Foundation – Care Area Assessments to Care Plans

Because Care Area Assessments (CAAs) are not submitted to CMS, and the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) manual offers little guidance on how to complete a CAA when compared to the Minimum Data Set (MDS) instructions, CAAs are a segment of the...

Navigating the 2025 Winds of Change: New Survey Guidance

The 2025 new year has begun with a whirlwind of changes in Long-Term Care – starting with New Surveyor Guidance. CMS released an advanced copy of these State Operations Manual Appendix PP (Guidance for Skilled Nursing Facilities) updates in a...

What is an MDS Coordinator?

"What do you do for a living?" It may not surprise you that when asked this question, most MDS Coordinators struggle to come up with an answer. The reality is that MDS Coordinators fully understand what this multifaceted job entails, but are at a...

From the MDS to RAI System Management

With the introduction of the Minimum Data Set (MDS) through the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) implemented a method of standardized, comprehensive, and reproducible data collection for long...

Maximizing Case Mix with Special Programs: Respiratory Therapy and Restorative Nursing

Case mix is essential in skilled nursing facilities as it impacts both reimbursement and the care provided. Two key programs that significantly impact case mix scores when properly implemented and documented are Respiratory Therapy and Restorative...

Strategic Admissions: The Path to Optimized Medicaid Reimbursement

Medicaid reimbursement plays a significant role in the financial health of long-term care facilities, particularly those serving a high percentage of Medicaid residents. While it may not be the sole source of revenue, it is an important component...

Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES): A New Age

Just when we thought we had a handle on QIES (Quality Improvement and Evaluation System), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) transitioned to the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES) in 2023.   Reports...

A Significant Change in Status Assessment – There are Options

The Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) system includes a significant change in status assessment (SCSA). What might be forgotten is the State Operation Manual (SOM), Appendix PP, includes information that mirrors the RAI manual at 42 CFR...

Interim Payment Assessment (IPA) – To do or not to do?

The Patient-Driven Payment Model took effect in October of 2019. Along with this change came the optional IPA. We are now five years into this change and questions still arise on when to complete an IPA. The decision of when to complete lies with...

Resident Interviews – What are you doing to capture the data?

Effective October 1, 2023, several resident interviews were added to or updated on the MDS. Interview items in Section A and changes to the interviews in Section D, J, and Q have been implemented. Each of the interviews can be a great steppingstone...

Section GG Documentation – Questions Still Abound

Section GG remains a popular discussion topic among the Nurse Assessment Coordinator (NAC) and other members of the interdisciplinary team (IDT). Many have questioned their own practices and processes, designed to support coding this section of the...

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) – A Global Initiative Important to Skilled Nursing Providers

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Office of Mental Health report CMS Framework for Health Equity 2022 and 2032 states that health equity is defined by the attainment of the highest level of health for all people, where...

Trauma and the MDS – A Sneak Peak

Trauma informed care has become an area of focus for Post Acute Care providers and survey agencies. Organizations are required to provide trauma-informed care that meets “professional standards of practice and accounting for residents’ experiences...

New Year….Same MDS Obstacle Course

As we ring in 2024, long term care professionals are still struggling to implement the October 2023 updates to the MDS. CMS is already talking about more changes in 2024, and the anticipation continues to create anxiety amongst PAC members. While...

Schizophrenia Diagnosis Audits

On January 18th, 2023, CMS announced they will be conducting off-site audits in nursing homes for assessment accuracy and coding of residents with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia. Along with auditing for appropriate diagnosis, the audits will review...

OSA or PDPM? A State-Level Decision

As of Oct. 1, 2023, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has retired the A0300 Optional State Assessment (OSA) from the federally required MDS 3.0 v1.18.11 that is submitted by nursing facilities. The OSA is now a separate...

The Physician and “I”

The physician’s role in the nursing facility is essential to delivering skilled, quality care for Skilled and Long-Term Care residents. Physicians are our lead in providing clinical decision making and properly defining, clarifying, and verifying...

Coding UTIs on the MDS 3.0

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are a commonly miscoded data element on the MDS. Are you over coding UTIs? Are you not coding them at all? Should you? Shouldn’t you? The MDS has historically left data collectors asking themselves these questions....

Achieving Accurate ADLs with the OSA

Section G of the MDS 3.0 was retired October 1, 2023, yet the MDS nurse may still need to use the knowledge of accurately coding ADLs with an assessment called the Optional State Assessment (OSA).  State-Optioned OSA Although the option to choose...

What Is an MDS Coordinator?

It’s a bit odd that when asked what you do for a living most MDS coordinators struggle to come up with an answer. Who struggles to explain what they do every day? The reality is that MDS Coordinators fully understand what this multifaceted job...

MDS 2023 Countdown Wrap-Up

This post is part of the MDS 2023 Countdown series.  Disclaimer: Current as of May 13, 2023.   What You Can Expect to See CMS released the first MDS draft item set (v1.18.11) in September 2022, which generated many questions for the long-term...

Rx Reconciliation – New SNF QRP and QMs

This post is part of the MDS 2023 Countdown series.  Disclaimer. Current as of October 1, 2023 What You Can Expect to See The reconciled medication list will have a new documentation requirement that will go into effect with the October 1, 2023...

Away with Q0300 and in with Q0310 – New Section Q Changes

This post is part of the MDS 2023 Countdown series.  Disclaimer. Current as of May 13, 2023 What You Can Expect to See This new Section Q update presents a key change to the wording: GOAL vs expectation. The Cambridge American Dictionary defines...

Updated Entered From and Discharge Status options

This post is part of the MDS 2023 Countdown series.  Disclaimer. Current as of October 1, 2023 Section A1800 "Entered From" and A2100 "Discharged Status" have Changed One of the changes you will see when coding section A of the MDS this October 1,...

Transportation – New Item A1250

This post is part of the MDS 2023 Countdown series.  Disclaimer. Current as of October 1, 2023 What You Can Expect to See An additional item we will see in the upcoming MDS 3.0 v.1.18.11 in October 2023 is A1250 - Transportation. This is included...

New 3-day Lookbacks | Assessment Periods

This post is part of the MDS 2023 Countdown series.  Disclaimer. Current as of March 24, 2023 What You Can Expect to See New 3-day lookback/assessment periods are coming to the MDS world. There are different sections of the MDS that the Nurse...

New Pain Interview in Section J

This post is part of the MDS 2023 Countdown series.  Disclaimer. Current as of February 22, 2023 What You Can Expect to See The most noticeable changes to Section J are evident in the pain interview, specifically questions J0510, J0520 and J0530....

Section B – Hearing, Speech and Vision Changes

This post is part of the MDS 2023 Countdown series.  Disclaimer. Current as of October 1, 2023 What You Can Expect to See Section B on the MDS is a component of the Standardized Patient Assessment Data Elements (SPADEs), which is utilized across...

Race and Ethnicity – Changes in Section A

This post is part of the MDS 2023 Countdown series.  Disclaimer. Current as of October 1, 2023 What You Can Expect to See Section A, Identification Information for Race/Ethnicity has expanded. One of the major changes is the deletion of section...